Q. So, how much do you charge for your services?

A. There is never a charge for any of our services. We are a non-profit organization and everything that we offer is free of charge.

Q. What are the most common mental disorders for which you make referrals?

A. Depression, stress, panic, anxiety are just a few of the most common mental disorders. We also handle specialized referrals for children, teens who attempt suicide, or older individuals.

Q. How common is it for someone to have some type of mental disorder?

A. One out of five Americans need some form of mental health services, right now.

Q. What type of referrals do you make?

A. We make referrals to licensed therapists who specialize in specific disorders, to sources of information, ongoing research, to support groups for those on the road to recovery, and for children with mental health and substance abuse problems.

Q. What other type of services or activities do you sponsor?

A. We offer at no cost pamphlets and information on the various forms of mental illness, its causes and treatments. We set up seminars and workshops with leading experts to help individuals in our community deal with a variety of mental disorders, and provide assistance with the purchase of psychiatric medication.

Q. What kind of advocacy does the Mental Health Association perform?

A. We plead the cause of mental health, advocating for the prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, the enactment of legislation that will promote mental health locally and throughout the country, and for services for the emotionally or mentally impaired.

Q. What kind of "outreach" programs, if any, is the MHA involved in?

A. Through "Project Cheer", we provide patients in mental hospitals with the normal joys of gifts and entertainment during the holiday season.

Q. Are all of the services mentioned earlier only offered through your office here in Ft. Walton Beach?

A. Your Okaloosa County Mental Health Association is only one of hundreds of chapters and divisions of the National Mental Health Association, a voluntary non-governmental organization dedicated to the promotion of mental health, the prevention of mental illness and the improved care and treatment of the mentally ill.

Q. Where does the money come from that you operate on?

A. As a non-profit, voluntary organization, without ties to federal funds and agencies, our support comes solely from memberships, donations and the United Way. You can help us by becoming a member. You can help us by becoming a member today! 

Q. How long has the MHA been in operation?
A. We were initially chartered in the late 1950's so that make us over 40 years old.

In Crisis - Go to Nearest Hospital ER  I Suicide Life Line 1-800-784-2433  I
Abuse/Neglect of Children or Vulnerable Adults 1-800-962-2873  I  Veteran Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 press 1


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